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Infra Red Beaker Dyeing Machine

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Known for its exact design, fine quality and durability, our Infra Red Beaker Dyeing Machine is quite popular among the customers. As a leading Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier, we keep our quality in synchronization with our reputation. It is procured from the reliable vendors who put quality on the top of their priority list. IR beaker dyeing machine is used by textile manufacturer as lab dyeing equipment for  sample/ matching dyeing of fabric, yarn, fibre & polyester, cotton sample dyeing etc


  • Size - 12 Pots x 250ml – Fully SS.
  • Double Wall structure with insulation
  • With Microprocessor based Temperature Programmer.  
  • Air Cooling by using blower of 6” dia with speed 2800 rpm.
  • Heating Load - 4.5kw
  • Programmer - 97programs 20steps
  • Rotor speed - 25rpm
  • Temperature - 140oC
  • Heating Rate - 4oC/min
  • Cooling rate - 2oC/min
  • Power - 3 phase neutral 415VAC, 50Hz.

Optional : Variable Speed Drive

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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